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Соломина Оксана Николаевна

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Методическая разработка урока. Тема: «Are you a friend of your planet? »

Методическая разработка урока.

Тема«Are you a friend of your planet? »

Учитель: Соломина Оксана Николаевна

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 7

Тип урока: обобщающий

Цели :

Практическая цель урока: активизация изученного лексического материала по теме

Образовательная цель: формирование познавательных способностей учащихся, получение учащимися языковых знаний.

Развивающая цель: формирование способностей анализировать, обобщать, развитие мотивационной сферы ребенка, интереса к языку.

Воспитательная цель: формирование качеств личности (усидчивости, самостоятельности), умения адекватно реагировать на реплику, воспитание способности работать в группе.

Задачи урока:

  • Активизировать изученную лексику по теме «Экология».

  • обучить реактивной реплике;

  • развить навыки аудирования с целью извлечения заданной информации.

Языковой материал: Лексика по теме.


Компьютер, проектор, магнитофон, компьютерная презентация, раздаточный материал (карточки, ксерокопии),

Предварительная подготовка: сбор информации по интересующей проблеме, создание творческих заданий и презентаций.

Приобретаемые навыки детей: Подготовка проектов и защита их с помощью презентаций, навык диалогического общения, составление «золотых правил» по защите экологии окружающей среды.

Приобретаемые навыки учителя: Навык целеполагания, диалогического личностно-ориентированного общения, навык работы с программой Power point.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Цели урока.

Today we are going on talking about the ecology. At the beginning of our lesson I’d like you to do some vocabulary drills. People all over the world think about our Planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals. They say our planet is in danger. Many people don’t know how to keep the water clean and the air fresh. But they are ready to do it. By the end of the lesson you’ll make up Golden Rules that people should follow if they want to survive.

  1. Повторение лексического материала.

Repeat the words on topic "Ecology”. Guess the words.

  1. The land, water and air that people, animals and plants live in. (environment).

  2. To make water, air, everything around us dirty (to pollute).

  3. It’s a result of people’s bad actions in nature (pollution).

  4. When there is not enough of something that people need (shortage).

  5. A substance you use more of something than you need to, or you do not use in a sensible way (waste).

  6. It’s a very dangerous thing; with it you can even kill (poison).

  7. Synonym to the verb "to happen” (to cause).

  8. It’s a verb from the noun "poison” (to poison).

  9. A place where you can take things you do not want and leave them there (dump).

  10. It’s an adjective and may be used with such words as: weapon, war tests (nuclear).

  11. It means to continue to b alive after coming close to death (to survive).

Make up your own sentences with these words.

  1. Беседа по теме «Окружающая среда»

What is "Environment” for you?

Humans have been living on the planet for 2 million years and the last 200 years humans have made a mess on it: chopped trees, killed animals, polluted air, water, land. And now as the result we have a lot of ecological problems.

1. What is "Environment”?

Environment is all around us: rivers, oceans, the air, the sun, the sky.

2. What parts of environment do you know?

The main parts of environment are air, water, plants and animals.

3. Is it important to solve the environmental problems nowadays?

Yes, it is important to solve the environmental problems nowadays.

4. What are the most serious ecological problems?

5. Is the rubbish problem important nowadays?

As for me, the rubbish problem is very important nowadays.

6. Do we have it in St. Petersburg?

I think we have the rubbish problem in Samara.

7. Do you throw the rubbish out every day?

My family and I throw the rubbish out every day.

8. Does your mum or you throw the rubbish out?

I help my mother to throw the rubbish out.

9. How often do you throw the rubbish out?

I usually throw the rubbish out every day.

10. Do you help your mum to throw the rubbish out?

Yes, I do.

11. What kind of rubbish do you throw out?

We usually throw out domestic waste: paper, plastic and food.

12. How can you help to solve this problem?

I can drop litter into the containers. I cannot cut down trees. I cannot pollute water.

13. What do you promise to do?

(примерные ответы)

I promise to love the nature.

I promise not to drop litter.

I promise not to kill animals.

I promise to protect nature.

I promise to help "Greenpeace”.

  1. Let’s check your homework.

Your class was asked to take part in the TV show called "Save our Planet” and make your own projects. Each of you has two minutes to give your reasons to speak on one of the topics below.

We have five topics to discuss: (на экране проецируются темы проектов учащихся)

  • Water pollution;

  • Air pollution;

  • The greenhouse effect;

  • Recycling:

  • Endangered species;

  • Green Cars.

(учащиеся с помощью своих презентаций защищают проекты, а также каждая группа представляет своё творческое задание для класса)

Summing everything up we can say: before it’s too late people have to change their way of life. We must stop ruining the land, sea and air. We can help to clean up the planet.

  1. Do you think of your future?

  1. How can we solve these problems?

We should not scatter rubbish in the streets, parks, forests, we should not waste water and energy, we also should protect animals and not to kill them.

  1. Must people protect water?

People must not pollute it throwing out different plastic bottles, paper. We should use it economically at home.

  1. What make the sea water dangerous nowadays?

Nuclear and oil wastes make water dangerous nowadays.

  1. Why is it dangerous to dump industrial waste into the sea?

Industrial waste in the sea makes all sea beings (fish and plants) die.

  1. Where does air pollution mostly come from in the cities?

Air pollution mostly comes from cars, plants and factories.

  1. Why are nuclear power stations dangerous?

Nuclear power stations are dangerous because they throw dangerous chemical compounds into the air and people breathe it.

  1. Do trees help to make the air clean?

Trees help to make the air clean because they produce oxygen.

  1. Must people protect animals and wildlife?

People must protect animals and wildlife.

  1. 10. Must people waste gas, energy and natural resources?

  2. People mustn’t waste gas, energy and natural resources.

  1. Let’s make up Five Golden Rules that people should follow if they want to survive.

Let’s summarize what we have said and name the rules.

Golden Rules:

  • To develop international cooperation to solve ecological problems;

  • Grow flowers and trees;

  • Not to waste water, gas, energy, natural resources;

  • Not to dump or pour industrial waste into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans;

  • To recycle;.

  • Not to cut down trees;

  • To protect animals and wildlife.

If we follow all these rules we’ll save our planet.

  1. Write down your hometask:

Use the plan and ideas to write an article for you school magazine entitled "What can we do to improve living conditions in our city?”


  • Government / improve public transport ----- people / use cars to get around;

  • People / get involved in recycling schemes ---- there/be less rubbish to pollute environment;

  • Ban cars from city centre --- make streets cleaner, safer, quieter.

  1. Now I’d like you to do the test.

  2. Итоги урока.

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Ksusha (06.06.2012)
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