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Соломина Оксана Николаевна


Сценарий праздника Halloween для 7 классов.

Цель: Ознакомление учащихся с обычаями и традициями празднования Хэллоуина в англоязычных странах.



  1. воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения к истории и культуре изучаемого языка; воспитывать интерес к предмету.
  2. совершенствовать навык аудирования; провести практику речевой деятельности.
  3. развитие творческой фантазии и инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной деятельности.
Ход праздника:

BAT: Good evening! Today we are having an unusual party. We are celebrating one of the most ancient holidays in the world – Halloween.

Pupil1: It’s Halloween

By Jack Prelutsky

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright.
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night!

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

In masks and gouns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight it’s Halloween!


Pupil2,3: Halloween is coming
what will you wear?
I might wear a brown bear
Halloween is coming
who will you meet?
I might meet a princess
skipping down the street
Halloween is coming
what will you see? 
I might see a jack-o-lantern
winking at me.
Halloween is coming
what will you do? 
I might go trick-or-treating
How about you?
Halloween is coming
what will you be?
I might be a pirate
on the deep blue see.
Halloween is coming
what will you be?
It is a secret 
so wait and see.

The 1st contest is called "Apple on a String”.

We need 5 people who will have to eat an apple. Apples must be eaten without using hands while they remain attached to the string.

2. Рассказ о современном праздновании

Pupil 1. Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago by Celtic priests called Druids. They thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out. As they were afraid of witches they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits.

Pupil 2. The jack-o-lantern, most typical of Halloween symbols, began with the Irish. According to legend a man named Jack was expelled from Hell for playing tricks on the devil He was to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern to light his way. Modern jack-o-lanterns are made from big orange pumpkins.

Pupil 3. Sometimes big and sometimes small,
But always round and yellow.
When children make my famous grin
Then I’m a scary fellow

Pupil 4. The schools are usually decorated for a week with orange and black paper, carved pumpkins here and there, and pictures of witches, cotton spider-webs and various items of the autumn season

Our 2nd contest is called "Drawing a Jack-o’-lantern”.

For this contest we need 2 groups of 3 people. One person will draw a jack-o’-lantern with his eyes closed and the others can help by saying "right”, "left”, "up”, "down”.

Pupil 5. In the evening of October 31 boys and girls "dress up” in different old clothes and wear masks. On an empty pumpkin they cut out slits for two eyes, a nose and a mouth and put a lighted candle inside. The pumpkin then looks like a grinning face with burning eyes. The children go from house to house and knock at the doors, calling "trick or treat”.

Pupil 4: Listen! Somebody is knocking at the door!

Ролевая игра.

На сцене появляются trick or treaters  и исполняют песню:

Trick or Treat

Dashing through the streets,
Meeting goblins as we go,
Wearing contour sheets,
Wishing it would snow.

Bells in doorways ring,
Making spirits bright,
What fun it is to come and sing
And get some food tonight.

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Trick or treat we say!
Try to get the treats before
The ghost takes us away!

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Trick or treat we say!
If you don't have treats for us
We'll never go away!

Pupil 1 

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take.

Pupil 2

Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some.

Pupil 3

You had better do it quick
Or we’ll surely play a trick.

All together:

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.

Pupil 4

Trick or treat!

Smell my feet!

Give me something good to eat!

Pupil 5

Hey, mister! Trick or treat?

Your face has gone white as a sheet!

Maybe you are thinking again

Of last year’s broken windowpane

Pupil 6

Hey, mister! Trick or treat?

I know you won’t to be discreet

So give me money, and this year

You’ll see my best trick –

Ill disappear!

Дети рассказывают стихи,  подходят к родителям, дарят им открытки, в награду получают шоколадки.


The next competition is for designers.

It is called "Dress a Mummy”.

Two groups of designers will use scotch, newspapers and scissors to make a mummy. The mummy who will be able to walk and make horrible sounds wins.

Появляется летучая мышь, исполняет танец.

On the walls of an old, old church  
There’s an ugly, ugly owl
I am a black, black bat
Waiting for wrinkly, wrinkly witches.
Here they come! Here they  come!

Oh! Witches are nearby!

Летучая мышь улетает.

Под визги и завывания появляются ведьмы, танцуют и  поют песню:



She'll be riding on a broomstick when she comes.
She'll be riding on a broomstick when she comes.
She'll be riding on a broomstick
She'll be riding on a broomstick
She'll be riding on a broomstick when she comes.

We will warm up the big black kettle when she comes.
We will warm up the big black kettle when she comes.
We will warm up the big black kettle
We will warm up the big black kettle
We will warm up the big black kettle when she comes.

She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes.
She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes.
She will cook small toads and spiders
She will cook small toads and spiders
She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes.

We will feed all the ghosts and goblins when she comes
We will feed all the ghosts and goblins when she comes
We will feed all the ghosts and goblins.
We will feed all the ghosts and goblins
We will feed all the ghosts and goblins when she comes


Ведьмы вносят горшок с магическим зельем.

Вокруг казанка с магическим варевом колдуют, рассказывая стихотворение


Witch 1:

Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot
Add some bat wings and then what?
Witch 2:

Mix and mix until you’ve got
A new monster ugly and hot.
All together: Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot,
Witch 3:

Turn a rat into a frog,
Turn a cat into a log,
All together: Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot.

Затем поют песню:

Take three snake’s teeth and four frogs legs,

A tortoise’s tail and eight ant’s eggs

Say "Abracadabra, jim, jam, jell!

And now you’ve got a magic spell!


Take a black bat’s ear and a monkey’s toes,

A butterfly’s eye and a rabbit’s nose,

Say "Abracadabra, jim, jam, jell”

And now you’ve got a magic spell!

Witch 1: Now our magic spice is ready! Let’s have a party, a very fine party! 

Witch 2:We’ve gathered here to celebrate Halloween, the witches’ holiday,   our holiday!

Witch 3: If you want to be frightened to death, don’t miss it!

Witch 4: Only here you’ll find yourselves trembling with horror!!!

Witch 5: Boys and girls!

Hand in hand

Go to the witches land.

The sky is dark,

The stars are blue.

Oh! Witches Land!

How do you do!

Witch 6: Down, down, down

Red, yellow, brown

Autumn leaves tumble down,

Autumn leaves crumble down,

Witch 7: Autumn leaves bumble down,

Flaking and shaking,

Tumble down leaves

Witch 8: Skittery, flittery, rustle by

Hustle by,

Crackle and crunch

In a snappery bunch!

Говорят, разбрасывая осенние листья. Потом улетают.

The next contest is named "Witches Race”.

As we know, witches fly using broomsticks. Two teams of witches will have to run over a chair and come back. The team which comes the first is the winner.

BAT: Next part of our holiday is story telling. We want to tell and to show you scary stories. We wish you all a good fright!

Выключается свет, зажигается тыква

Story "Bloody Mary”


Now We suggest that you have learnt a lot of information about "Halloween” and  should guess our  riddles.

She always flies on her magic broom,
She always flies around the moon
With a black hat on her head 
And what do you think, who is that?
(a witch)

It means bad luck, don’t look at it
If it crosses your path
And what do you think we call it?
(a black cat)

In masks and gouns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat
Tonight we are the king and queen
For all tonight is ………..

Sometimes big and sometimes small
But always round and yellow
When the children make my famous grin
Then I’m a scary fellow
(Jack – O’ – Lantern)

I am a big and round
Once upon a time I grew on the ground
Now I have a mouth, 2 eyes and a nose
Who am I do you suppose?

I see a friendly shining moon
As big and round as a balloon
Soon I will go out on the street
With my friend for our ………….
(trick – or – treat)

Well, We are very glad to see your happy faces. Bur our party has come to the end. Now we are going to award you for hand – made articles and the costumes you have prepared.

Our last contest is "Halloween Costume Parade”.

All people who are dressed in costumes will come to the center of the hall and present their costumes.

Just before we leave we would like to give you our souvenirs in memory of our party.

The End.